
Bluestamp Engineering Program Arduino Pong website

View the Project on GitHub kaileyclifford22/KaileyClifford_BSE_Portfolio

Arduino Pong
This is a pong game created in processing. It is connected to Arduino, and the paddles are then controlled by potentiometers.

Engineer School Area of Interest Grade
Kailey Clifford Staten Island Technical High School Mechanical Engineering Incoming Senior

[Headstone Image


This project was a learning experience for me. This was my first time ever working with Processing, Arduino, and circuitry and I believe I got a great introduction to all of these things.I also learned alot about what I enjoy in the field of engineering and what I want to pursue. I really enjoyed learning how to use and working with Processing,and I believe that the creativity allowed by the artistic nature of this coding language was crucial to this. I did struggle a lot with working with Arduino IDE, as it was incredibly difficult for me to debug and understand. I did plan on creating a selection screen for my game, but unfortunately ran out of time and could not. I loved working on this project and hope to continue working with these elements.

Demo Night

Second Milestone

My second milestone was creating the exterior controls for my pong game. I began by adding Arduino controls that were connected to Processing. I then began working on the hardware portion of this project. I wired my arduino board to two potentiometers using a breadboard and jumper wires. I struggled with learning to use Arduino software during this portion, as well as learning how to use the potentiometers and wiring.

Second Milestonecode image)

First Milestone

My first milestone was creating a simple one-person pong game using processing. I first created the image of the ball, then programmed it to be able to move and react with the wall. I then created a “wall” to function as the other player in the game. I then created the image of the paddle and programmed it’s movement. Finally, I made the ball speed up with every play, so that the game would continuously become more challenging.

First Milestone ezgif com-gif-maker